Training courses
February 2015: Chosen by the Chambre des Métiers to take part in the Paris-Berlin Design, Arts & Crafts Exhibition in the Salons of the Hôtel de Ville, with the presentation of the first Métylis collection: the Nébuleuses. First exhibition. Since 2013: Joint ventures with l’Atelier de l’Objet, the house of Jay Ahr Paris, XAC Jewellery, Pristine Jewels, Louboutin Paris. Manufacturing collections, prototypes, design and illustrations. Working in partnership with other craftsmen: turners, feather workers, embroiderers, woodcarvers. Early 2013: The creation of l’Atelier Miix with Félix Albert, for the joint conception and fabrication of unique pieces of fine jewelry for professionals and individual customers. 2011: Professional licence at “les Atelier de Paris” (entrepreneurship, creating and running a company in the artistic professions) apprenticed to l’Atelier de l’Objet, making designs and models for various company projects. Creation of Métylis. 2010: Degree from ÉCOLE BOULLE, DMA in Jewelry Design. 2008-2009: Freelance jewellery and textile designer for JAY AHR, a high fashion house. Paris 1.